Fibre-Cement boards
Fibre-Cement boards
Despite the seeming simplicity of the structure, the technological process of cementitious panels manufacturing is quite complicated and consists of the following steps:
Reinforcing base. The cellulose is used for creating a carcass, which is divided into separate fibers after treatment.
Solution. At this stage, the "body" of the panel is created. All components needed for the panel production are mixed in special drums. The components are mixed in dry form to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then water is gradually added to the mix to give it a certain level of plasticity necessary for further stages of production.
Forming. The solution shall pass through an extruder, where the mass is formed into the finished panels of a specified size under the influence of high pressure. After this stage, the finished plates are left for 6-8 hours until the cement mix hardens.
Drying. Cementitious panels are undergoing thermal treatment in autoclave furnaces, where calcium silicate releases under the influence of temperature ( +170 0 ° C ) and pressure (10 atm). As a result, the products acquire mechanical durability and become resistant to external exposures.
When the panels dry completely, the surface gets coated with photoceramics or other substances forming the surface protective layer.
We offer only the highest quality goods to our clients.
Fiber cement board contains at least 90% cement, while the remaining 10% is glass fiber and mineral fillers, which improve the main properties of the product. The production process of fiber cement panels is quite complex and consists of several stages.